It is known to everyone what a semiconductor is. It is a crystalline or amorphous solid having distinct electrical characteristics. That is, they are having a high electrical resistance which is higher than other typical resistance materials whereas, much lower resistance than any insulators.
The interesting part is, almost all electronic technology uses semiconductor nowadays. With the most important part being integrated circuit (IC), the devices like laptops, scanners, and cell phones make use of it. With a huge demand for continuously shrinking chip size, the chip manufacturing companies are migrating to new fabrication strategies that help them in producing advanced devices.
Intel (INTC) being the manufacture of semiconductor chips and microprocessors, one can see its name on almost all laptop and personal computer. Even Samsung entered into semiconductor space after acquiring Korea's first local semiconductor firm.
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Lam Research is one such machine tool company which enables companies like Intel or Samsung to make semiconductor chips. Creating the cutting-edge microprocessors and memory devices for today's products is extremely challenging and requires precision control at the atomic scale. Lam Research is working towards it.
Lam's innovative technology and productivity for a transistor, interconnect, patterning, advanced memory, and advanced packaging applications deliver a wide range of wafer processing capabilities needed to create the latest chips.
For more information, you can watch an exclusive interview with Mr. Krishnan Shrinivasan, the Managing Director of Lam Research India below.